Monday, July 18, 2011


I fell in love with Grace about four years ago. God's Grace: unmerited favor, kindness from God we don't deserve. Realizing this was one of life’s lesson's I needed an overhaul in, I became desperate to learn more about this concept. After reading Philip Yancey’s “What’s So Amazing about Grace," and let's just say it rocking my world in more ways than one, I realized “Grace” was a very foreign concept in my life, something I knew little about.  Slowly my eyes were opened and spirit humbled.  I was (and continue to be) changed from the inside out. Never in all my life did I get the whole point of Salvation. I mean really get it. Continuously I would ask forgiveness of my never ending sin, over and over, just to make sure I would make it to heaven. Not truly believing I only needed to ask for forgiveness once.  Realizing it is all what Christ did, and had very little to do with me.  As I continued to read this book, and study God's grace, everything started to focus on unmerited favor; God's Grace.

Discovering Grace was something I needed to apply to my daily existence, I started asking for it. More times than I care to admit I asked repeatedly, hourly, daily- desperate pleas to my children, husband, family, friends and self.  Before long, the Grace I was receiving from others, I was able to return, without a record of wrong being noted (amazing!).   This is where the change really occurred: I freely applied unmerrited favor in every situation I felt wronged.  WHOA!  Break through!

Constantly God amazes me with the way he reveals Himself: layer by layer; like an onion, sometimes making me cry, other times tasting deliciously sweet. Recently I received Max Lucado's, “In the Grip of Grace” as a baptism gift. I'm enjoying this read thoroughly as I learn even more about God's desire to save me from myself.  Over the years I’ve been humbled enough to realize, giving and receiving Grace is not something you master (there is one ONE who has mastered this), it must be practiced and thankfully I have learned to ask for it!


Anonymous said...

"grace so amazing so devine--demands my life, my osul, my all." And many decades later---M.W. Smith sings it beautifully too!

Anonymous said...

ummm---that word is "soul"---not "osul". opps